Artist Owned Gallery in Parkville, MO






Northland Exposure Gallery

Northland Exposure Gallery

Address: 110 Main Street, Parkville, MO – Phone: 816-746-6300 –

The Northland Exposure Artist’s Gallery is an artist owned and managed gallery in Parkville, MO, of which I am one of the artist owners. We have an amazing group of 44 artists currently in the gallery. Each one brings their own unique style of artwork and world view to the gallery. 


Being an artist owned gallery, we have the advantage of being able to keep the price of our artwork affordable by keeping overhead to a minimum and cutting out the middleman. Our art print bins hold items from around $25 and up. We carry many items such as original jewelry and pottery which can be purchased from around $12 and up. In addition we carry original pieces of artwork ranging from $35 up to several hundred dollars.


If you happen to be in the Kansas City area, please put the Northland Exposure Gallery on your list of places to visit. There is always at least one of the artists working the gallery which provides a wonderful opportunity to visit with an artist about the artwork in the gallery.


My 8”x10” canvas board pieces of Optimism Art is available for purchase for $35. These and other pieces of my artwork can be purchased at the Northland Exposure Artists Gallery in Parkville, MO. 


I have not started any additional 8” x 10” Optimism pieces since my last blog post. I do have a 9”x12” piece that I worked on last week. It was fun to do but when it was done I realized it looks an awfully lot like a Christmas package which to me is extremely distracting! 


The second piece is an abstract piece which is a study in using color to add depth to a painting.  The idea in this painting was using cool colors to push the background back and warm colors to bring items forward giving the piece a more three dimensional look. I’ll let you be the judge as to how successful it was.


"An optimist...."

"An optimist...."


Depth with color

Depth with color